New Moon in Virgo: Practical Plans for What Needs to Be Done | Vedic Astrology Forecast for October 12th
The New Moon in Sidereal Virgo reached its peak point overnight just before moving into October 13th. ushering in a new Lunar cycle. We are still riding the Eclipse cycle energy, which emphasized the integration of Power and Principles into the practical details of life and the effort needed to improve our situation. The Lunar eclipse on September 27th, which closed the cycle, reminded us to really pay attention to the details of our plans, and our need to really focus on the efforts we are making in our lives while also seeking to balance the importance of details with the bigger picture. It also reminded us of our tendency to want to escape when the effort becomes overwhelming.
What does New Moon in Virgo Bring?
The New Moon begins a cycle which starts with this energy as its seed point and then seeks to evolve it. On September 9th, Mercury returned direct. This brought the “reflection” period of its retrograde motion to a conclusion. So, now we hopefully have some greater clarity and understanding of the details and the practical plans and efforts that are needed to move forward. The power and action, in connection with Principles and Purpose are still in connection with Mars and Jupiter in Leo. Venus in Leo can bring charm and charisma, but Venus in Leo is also being purified around finding compromise and how we go about finding happiness, as Venus in Leo often is more concerned with being “served” or treated like a kind or queen.
This combination is likely to bring conflict and arguing around principles and values, in both your personal relationships as well as the political and global landscape. You will be challenged to defend your principles in a way that is respectful of others, with a tendency towards “I know I am right” tactics. Because of this, I also suggest that you stop and make sure that your cherished beliefs in these areas are truly valuable, and aligned with higher vision, and thus worth fighting for.
So, Mercury is now direct in Virgo, bringing a high level of intelligence to discrimination, speech and communication. A clear vision of “what needs to be done” and a “practical plan” should be more accessible now. Mercury is able to organize the details, which is has recently reflected upon and refined. The Moon and Sun bring the emotional heart and the Mind, along with the deeper Power and Will into the realm of Virgo, again amplifying awareness of the practical details and the effort needed to implement them. And Rahu adds greater energy to your focus. Rahu is in many ways a boon in this configuration, but still the caution of being so strongly focused on the details that we fail to act must be mentioned. Or getting so caught up in details that the confusion associated with Rahu arises. If this focus on details become “perfectionism”, then it can bring challenges around implementing the plan. No action means no benefit and no growth.
With Mercury in the Nakshatra of Uttara Phalguni, the motivation of discrimination is connected even more strongly with the Virgo quality of “Service”. This nakshatra motivates towards helping others to find happiness, even if that means sacrificing our own happiness to accomplish it. This is not done in a subservient way, but rather as an intentional catalyst to lift up those who need help. Here, well placed Mercury has the opportunity to communicate and implement this level of practical planning.
The Sun and Moon in Chitra Nakshatra remind us to check our motivations. And in the political context, be mindful of the motivations of our leaders and future leaders. Chitra brings a surge of energy towards the construction of new levels of achievement. It is connected to the “celestial architect”, and allows for great wisdom and motivation to manage the details of “the kingdom”.
As caution though, if someone is overly focused on the material plane, here we may find ourselves content with an idea or imagination that “looks good” on the outside. Once we gain recognition and support for this idea, we then lose motivation to actually do the work to bring it about. We mostly wish to be appreciated and recognized for our skills and ideas. And once we feel recognized, we feel fulfilled. But if the individual is more connected to and motivated by a truly higher vision, purpose and set of deeper principles, then Chitra can help to move their vision towards higher social structure and order.
Now, which of those 2 directions do you want YOUR leaders to be aligned with? I would hope and assume that you are wanting a leader who is truly connected to bring positive change to others. And this brings us to the remainder of this New Moon cycle.
Chitra is the “bridge” between Virgo and Libra. Libra is the realm of relationship and learning to find Happiness in connection to others. It is ruled by Venus, which is where we seek happiness. It is also an Air sign which brings an influence of social connection as well as thoughts and intellect. Here, we seek to find happiness through ideas and the connections we experience through other people at the levels of romantic partners, coworkers, business partners, and “others” in general.
In Libra, we take the “master plan” and motivation for service from Virgo, and bring it into Libra for the practical experience of happiness for the benefit of others . In Libra, there is focus on “playing well with other”, as well as motivation towards greater social awareness. Here we learn over time that when others are happy, we can also enjoy greater happiness. Libra teaches us about personal connections of course, but it also expands into a desire for greater social balance and equality.
On a personal level, we must learn that through our efforts of self improvement (Virgo), we are able to evolve our own self and in the process become better at engaging with others at all levels (Libra). We can never evolve our ability to respect others and compromise if we assume that we are perfect as is. We must make efforts to benefit ourself, and also to support the things we love.

Relationships are Purified
On October 17th the Sun will move into Libra and remain there for the remainder of this Moon Cycle. This quickly moves our Power and Self Will into the realm of Libra. The Sun is thought to be challenged in this position because it is more connected to individual will, and as it tries to operate in the realm of others and compromise it finds challenge. This will be discussed more during the Full Moon report for October 27th.
But, what we can understand for now is that our relationship to Others, to Social Equality, as well as to more intimate relationships with lovers and spouses, are being purified at this time. The “challenge” comes from not knowing how to be remain in our individual power while operating within the field of “others”. The motivation to “make others happy” can swing too far in that direction. So the Purification happens around learning the true balanced art of compromise and mutual respect in an effort to find happiness for all involved.
For yourself personally, be mindful of how your own “master plan” is being implemented and brought into the realm of “others”. Become aware of the “Payoff” to the hard work that Virgo motivates you towards. Notice where you may be inclined to “give in” to make another happy without really honoring your own needs. And realize, that the recent time of reflection around details is over. You are likely more inclined to want to put these plans and structures into action and into place. Also be mindful of fighting battles over your principles where you either don’t fight fair, or perhaps you are even fighting for something that isn’t as valuable as you have once imagined.
And as you are watching other around you and the political unfoldings, begin to examine not only “Do they have a true plan”, but “are the truly motivated in service of the greater good?” Or, will the candidate be content knowing you approved of their vision and then fail to actually put in the effort to make it happen? Expect “plans” around “social structure and equality” to be in focus over the next month. As well as seeing candidates being more obviously “not playing well with others”. And more arguments and debates around principles and political visions.
Notice these themes in yourself, you friends and in the world. What are your experiences?
The above is a general Vedic Astrology Forecast. It discusses the shifts that are happening at the level of the Collective experience, as well as how you can use that Collective energy for your own growth and evolution.
For a detailed reading of how the Planetary cycles will impact you personally, you should schedule a private Vedic Astrology Reading.
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