Full Moon in Aries: Finding Individual Power within Our Connections to Others | Vedic Astrology Forecast for October 27th, 2015
The Full Moon occured in Sidereal Aries around 8am Eastern Time on October 27th, 2015. This is the midpoint of the Lunar cycle begun with the New Moon in Virgo about 2 weeks ago.
The Seed of the cycle in Virgo encouraged us to evaluate the choices we need to improve our lives and to pull together the details of our “master plan” and get ready to put it into action. And pretty quickly into the Lunar cycle the Power of Sun shifted into Libra, encouraging us to take our plans and carry it with us into our relationships with others as well.
The Sun is said to be at its weakest point here in Libra, because it represents the Power of our “Self” or individuality. And in Libra, it is thrust into the social realm of connecting and focusing on others. I have seen in chart readings that client’s with Sun in Libra, especially if other planets are with it, will frequently have “weak will” when it comes to dealing with others. They have trouble finding authentic compromise, and instead “cave” under the pressure of other people’s needs.
In Libra, we are learning about “other” and how to find compromise so that we can increase our happiness through connection to others and learn to “play well with others” for mutual benefit. Part of this energy is that we are learning to be less selfish and instead seek a more balanced and harmonious way of being in relationship to other people. This placement of the Sun is supportive of “doing things with others” such as business deals. It’s also supporting greater awareness of Social equality in the political arena.
But it does bring challenges for the individual, as it can lead to the Sun or Individual self becoming too invested in the happiness of others “at all costs”. In this case, the Soul’s power is muted and keeping others happy becomes the quickest way to “compromise”.
How have you been doing in this regard? Have you noticed a stronger desire to “keep the peace”? Obviously, there are more nuances to this for you as an individual based upon your own birth chart’s configuration, but the general theme for all of us collectively revolves around our Power coming into connection with others, and how we go about the experience. These are universal experiences of evolving our capacity to compromise and find shared happiness with other people. It’s just that some get the “lesson” faster than others, which can often be seen from your birth chart.
So, at some point, all of us will likely experience giving into the “needs” of others as a way of keeping the peace. It sounds good on paper to be so “selfless” and just make the other happy. And when it is truly selfless, it might work out. But, if that “compromise” happens from a place of weakened personal power, then over time there will be a build up of regret and perhaps even resentment. Over time, we start to feel the unfulfilled parts of us that have been ignored while attempting to please “the other”, and we long to find our own happiness again. If we don’t recognize what is actualy happening, that WE have allowed our personal power to get lost in the fog of “pleasing other”, then we might also make the mistake of resenting the other and feeling angry or frustrated because the “other” isn’t giving us what we want or need. But alas, in the grand scheme, what we all must learn is how to balance this dance.
This becomes the experience of Purifying our relationship to other and evolving our capacity to be strong as an individual, while also enjoying the wonderful benefits of sharing happiness with others. And it is the point of the Aries full Moon that we are brought the deepest integration of this lesson.
As our Personal Power (the Sun) sits in Libra trying to figure this whole “relationship” thing out, our Mind and Emotions (the Moon) has been making its way through a process of evolving to understand this unique form of Power. As the Moon enters Aries, we come face to face with the psychological feeling of True Individual Power. This is, afterall, what Aries represents.
Aries is a fire sign, showing its action oriented nature. It is rules by Mars showing its strength and courageous approach to “acting now and thinking later”. It is connected to Dharma, showing its motivation for purpose. And it is a Cardinal sign, showing its desire to start new things. THIS is the optimal psychological state of our Individual Power: stepping out to do, to accomplish, to live, to breath for the shear glory of being ME and doing it MY way. 🙂
And, as the wisdom of our evolution is revealed by the opposing signs of the Zodiac, we must eventually integrate the opposites of experience. Eventually “Self” meets “Other”. And when our Power becomes immersed in Other, as it is now with Sun in Libra, then we must allow our mind to return and remember the balance point of “Self”.

What does Full Moon in Aries Bring?
This Full Moon in Aries invites us to consider what its like to allow our power and Individuality to dance with others and learn the art of sharing, and compromise, while also remembering and honoring our Own Individual power and needs. This is the balance point we all need to integrate. “How can I compromise and share happiness with others?”, while also still honoring my self as Individual. How can I learn to say “no” when “saying yes” would cause a little part of me to be unfulfilled.
We all have certain “criteria” for our own individual happiness. If we forget that, or we choose to set that aside to please another, then we are not honoring the balance. I am not talking about occasionally going to a movie or restaurant you aren’t interested in because your friend or spouse wants to do it. (Unless perhaps you are ALWAYS doing things you don’t enjoy) I am talking about making choices that diminish or block you from living an enthusiastic, powerful joy filled life pursuing your hopes and dreams.
We ALL make choices and “sacrifices”. So, this isn’t about saying that you should always get your way either. But we must take responsibility for our choices. We must also have enough self awareness to know that “this is important to me and my happiness, and I cannot compromise on this.” As we learn to be more open, more free and more flexible, we may find that we don’t need to be “rigid” about many things in life. That we can “go with the flow” more, and remain joyful amidst the ever changing background of life, even celebrating and supporting the happiness of others.
But consider this: If “compromise” is about helping to find balance where both parties are happy, shouldn’t YOU be happy as well? And isn’t it reasonable to think that someone who is also seeking a balanced relationship of mutual happiness would want to SUPPORT your hopes and dreams?
We must learn to find the voice to assert, in a healthy and respectful way, that “This is what I need. These are the things that make me happy. These are the things I enjoy doing.”
Could you imagine a bird finding a best friend or a spouse, and agreeing to never chirp again as a “compromise” to being in that relationship? That the bird would actually deny or repress its own nature just to have a friend or a spouse? You would clearly find this absurd. “Birds chirp, Jeff! That’s what they do!”…. Yes. That IS what they do!
And like birds, we each have our own “song” to sing. Are you allowing yourself to live fully into your Nature? Into your individual Power? Or have you decided it’s easier not to “chirp” to “keep the peace”?
Is there something you have compromised on that maybe doesn’t feel so good anymore? These types of things may start to come into mind during this Full Moon window. You may also start to connect in various ways to “your individual sense of power and Self”. Perhaps, you just feel like “doing something alone”, or starting a new project.

It’s All About Balance
I remind you that as part of our evolution, the pendulum often swings way to the other direction as we experience life and learn to balance it. In this case, the pendulum may swing between “all about me” and “all about other”. But, the evolution of finding balance is to learn to remain flexible at either end of the spectrum, while also staying centered at the midpoint of the pendulums swing mentally. So, if you DO recognize some area where you have compromised too much, reconnecting with the Individual Power of Aries through the Full Moon window doesn’t mean you need to come out guns blazing to “reclaim your land”. It is time, however, to find the courage to begin to share your needs and dreams where you haven’t before.
Luckily, Mercury, your capacity for Speech and communication, will be moving into Libra on October 29th to help you. Here, it helps you remember how to communicate in ways that are more diplomatic and find more balance perspectives on true compromise.
Venus (representing relationships) and Mars (courage and strength) have been very close to each other lately, potentially creating a little more friction, irritability and possible arguments in relationships. (Have you felt it?) In fiery Leo with Jupiter, this conflct may have been about principles or values.
On November 2nd, both Venus and Mars will enter Virgo within 30 minutes of each other. In Virgo, Venus is at its most challenged placement, because its natural desire to enjoy pleasure and happiness is hampered by the psychological feeling of needing order, structure and details to operate. So, here Venus can become too picky and unable to just “let go and enjoy”. With Mars nearby, this could still lead to arguments. As they will be joining Rahu here, there could be an amplification of confusion, irritability and nit-pickiness. Try to remain calm. 🙂
Opportunities for Growth and Awareness
In the meantime, try to observe these themes within yourself, those around you, and within the news. If you need to “renegotiate” something you have compromised on, try to be diplomatic. If your biggest error has been simply “not speaking up”, then now is the time to align with your Individual Power and enthusiastically share your hopes, dreams and needs. Mercury in Libra will support this. But be mindful that you don’t get too hot headed about it, or argue about nit picky details.
Has some part of your “Nature” been ignored while attempting to compromise? Is it time to “chirp” again?
Let me know your experiences of this energy in the comments below. 🙂
The above is a general Vedic Astrology Forecast. It discusses the shifts that are happening at the level of the Collective experience, as well as how you can use that Collective energy for your own growth and evolution.
For a detailed reading of how the Planetary cycles will impact you personally, you should schedule a private Vedic Astrology Reading.
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