Full Moon in Libra - New Adventures and the Balance of Self Power and Other - Vedic Astrology Forecast for April 22nd, 2016

Full Moon in Libra: New Adventures and the Balance of Self Power and Other | Vedic Astrology Forecast for April 22nd, 2016

The recent New Moon in Pisces invited the falling away of old and outdated ways of using power, along with the letting go of anything else that doesn’t serve our growth and happiness. This energy allowed you to turn in and connect to your deeper dreams, intuition and vision for what is next to come.

As the Sun transitioned into Aries on the Evening of April 13th, 2016, the Power (Sun) began the next phase of rebirth. In Aries the Sun finds one of its highest functioning positions in the Zodiac. The Sun represents our Power, our confidence and our sense of individual Self. In Aries, we begin the Journey of individuation, and there is a fresh start of (re)birth into a new adventure and a new experience. Aries as a Fire sign provides the enthusiasm, courage and strength to step onto this new path with confidence and excitement. The ruler of Aries is Mars, which is our strength, courage and action and it adds to the fiery action oriented nature of Aries.

The Sun in Aries is like the enthusiastic, passionate youth who sees only possibilities and a path towards success. And here, our individual strength and capacity for action and being bold and stepping into the world to explore and create our vision is at its height. Here we learn the “magic” of embracing our own individual strengths and embracing the Empowered Self in a full way.

Clearly this position of the Sun is very supportive the initiating a new phase of life, new projects and a new level of confidence and self empowerment. And thus, is supportive of any new directions that have arisen in your own inner vision during the Pisces reflective stages. Hopefully, you have felt this strong passion to “move forward” into some new phase of doing or being based upon the recent shifts.

Full Moon in Libra: New Adventures and the Balance of Self Power and Other | Vedic Astrology Forecast for April 22nd, 2016
Full Moon in Libra involves having better awareness of oneself whilst growing a deeper connection towards others.

What the Full Moon in Libra Brings Us?

Early in the morning, around 1:30am EDT, the Moon will move into its Fullest position across from the Sun. The Full Moon in Libra connects our mind to experiences of other people, relationships, beauty, shared happiness and beauty. It is ruled by Venus, which teaches us about happiness, enjoyment, beauty and learning to compromise with others. It is an Air sign which deepens its social nature. It is the natural point of the Zodiac that brings the opposing experience of “Empowered Individual Self” that Aries represents. And the Full moon in Libra is the integration point where we are invited to explore that balance between living a life from Self Empowerment as an individual (Sun in Aries) with being emotionally aware of other people and the happiness that having shared, connected experiences in relationship to others can bring. (Moon in Libra)

The questions arise in finding this integrated balance: How do I remain true to my own Individual needs and remain confidence and passionate about my own actions in the world, while also enjoying the shared connections with other? How do I remain confident and true to my own needs and truth while being in relationship to others, so I don’t compromise my own happiness to please another? How does the lure of connecting to others and sharing pleasure and happiness potentially cause me to lose my own balance or my own sense of Self?

In the Journey of Sadhana, person transformation and Spiritual growth, we are always being invited to find the balance between these expressions. Sometimes that is finding “the middle way”. And sometimes it is learning to be flexible and fluid and move between different expressions without getting stuck in only one side of the puzzle. Can I “Be true to my individual self and truth” when it matters, while also “compromising and being flexible in relationships when it creates deeper, healthy mutually shared connection and happiness”?

This is the invitation that is in process right now. So, as this Full Moon window becomes active from April 20 – 24, you may find these themes arising in your life. You may find experiences and situations being created that are inviting these questions. Perhaps noticing places where you are having trouble speaking up and being clear about your own needs for fear of displeasing others. Or perhaps becoming so lured into the connections of pleasure and enjoyment with others, that you find yourself forgetting your own needs, and caving in to what feels good in the moment with another.

The remaining planets are still located in the same signs as 2 weeks ago. Mercury is with Sun in Aries, encouraging deeper connection to Speech/Communication (Mercury) to our individual Power (Sun).

Venus is still in a strong position in Pisces, encouraging us to find a deeper connection through relationship and happiness. It encourages us to seek those connections through a more spiritual model of deeper universal oneness and mystical wisdom. Jupiter is still retrograde in Leo with Rahu, inviting a deeper obsession and some confusion (Rahu) into inner reflection around our inspiration, hope and higher teachings (Jupiter)

And Saturn is still retrograde in Scorpio encouraging reflection on fears and insecurities and inviting a deeper opportunity for transformation. The only other major change that has occurred is that Mars, which has also been in Scorpio, also turned retrograde on the Morning of April 17th. This is inviting reflection around themes of strength and courage, and further amplifying the Cosmic Invitation to face fears and insecurities and use them to Transform and Evolve. With both Saturn and Mars retrograde in this sign of Scorpio, there is also a heightened feeling among the collective of the need for “safety, protection and defending” against anything that feels threatening. This will both be in our global communities, such as conversations around terrorism, border controls and the like. As well is bring up our own individual Primal “protective” mechanisms. The reptilian brain that lashes out when it feels pushed into a corner that can show up as irrational fear and violence in many cases, where the “threat” is really only imagined.

Be aware of your own inner and outer reactivity, as well as any heightened sense of “danger” or resistance to change. Transformation requires change. And of course, with the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra, a heightened sense of protecting our own Individual Values and Self identity may also be active right now.

Remain aware of all of these things around Self empowerment, compromise in relationship as well as the invitation for Higher vibrations of mystical connection. And keep in might the potential for those irrational parts of yourself to be defensive and fearful in connection to these energies and themes.

How are you experiencing this current cycle of energy? Observer yourself, those around you, as well as the global stage for how this may be manifesting. And take come time to notice ways that you may get thrown off center by the connections to other people, and how you can find balance in maintaining your own Self of Empowerment and Truth while still playing nicely with others. 🙂

The above is a general Vedic Astrology Forecast. It discusses the shifts that are happening at the level of the Collective experience, as well as how you can use that Collective energy for your own growth and evolution.

For a detailed reading of how the Planetary cycles will impact you personally, you should schedule a private Vedic Astrology Reading.

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