Lunar Eclipse in Virgo - Collective Power Shift - Vedic Astrology Forecast for March 23rd, 2016

Lunar Eclipse in Virgo: Collective Power Shift | Vedic Astrology Forecast for March 23rd, 2016

The upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Virgo will add to the vibration we got from the recent Full Solar Eclipse in sidereal Aquarius which shook up our relationship to Power and our relationships to others in society. The energy continues to resonate for Months, and will shift towards new focus.

So, the Eclipse took us deep into the Subconscious mind around our power, our relationship to society and our ability to serve the collective. Less than 5 days after the Eclipse, the Sun moved into Pisces early in the morning on March 14th. This carried our power (the Sun) into the Sign of endings and letting go. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, which operates through expansive water, taking our deeper consciousness into the depths of the unconscious spaces of existence. Here, dreamlike fantasy can arise. As can a desire to escape.

Here our power may potentially want to dissolve and be released. We may potentially feel a loss of power. Or, we may also be inspired to use our inner Power to connect to the Unconscious, to let go, to be free and to bring our past relationship to power to an end. It is a chance to infuse our sense of power with deeper meaning and purpose (Jupiter), and to allow a deeper emotional connection to flow through our sense of power. Can power arise infused with love? Can it be motivated to free and liberate? Can Power be expanded to touch into a meaning beyond the nature of the individual self?

In Pisces, power has the chance to dance in these ways, and as it does, the old models of power have a chance to fall away and dissolve. Past karmic impressions of what Power is can be dissolved here, cleansed in the depths of the inner Ocean of Consciousness.

On March 18th, Mercury moved into Pisces as well. Mercury as the capacity for speech and communication is said to be most challenged in Pisces. Mercury’s natural way of functioning is to be detail oriented, focused, discriminating, curious and quick to observe and report. In Pisces, the dreamy nature of emotion can cause its focus and clarity to wander and expand away from details. In Pisces, the nature is expanse and openness of feeling, rather than analytical, detail focused perception. Pisces is quite the opposite of “attention to details”. So Mercury is challenged here. Communication and speech can become unclear or general and vague.

Lunar Eclipse in Virgo: Collective Power Shift | Vedic Astrology Forecast for March 23rd, 2016
A collective revolution involves individual re-evalution of role in power by managing fears and care for own energy and resources.

What the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo Brings Us?

On March 23rd around 8am EST, the Moon will reach its highest eclipse point in the Sign of Virgo. This creates a stronger infusion of transformational energy as part of the eclipse cycle, as the natural balance point for the Solar eclipse in Aquarius would actually be Leo. Had the Lunar eclipse occurred in Leo, I would be telling you about the natural balance of Serving others while also (Leo) learning to honor and expresses our own creative individual power. (This is the primary theme of the Current Nodal axis.)

But, instead, the Sun has shifted to Pisces, and the Moon will have a partial eclipse in Virgo. The Power to Serve others and the needs of the collective and society that have arisen from the subconscious during the eclipse are now going through a transformation. The Sun in Pisces transforms this relationship to power as mentioned above, and the Moon’s eclipse in Virgo connects the process to finding the details and the structured actions required to create a lasting implementation of this new relationship to power.

So, the collective relationship to Power at the levels of Government, Community and Religious Leadership, as well as within the collective consciousness is being changed. And action is required to implement and create the new structure and order that is arising to align with a Power that is more aware of the Collective needs of society.

The Moon (mind and feelings) is invited into the details of making it happen, and the motivation to do the work needed to change the past experiences of power. The Moon’s placement in “the details and hard work” helps to counterbalance the Piscean nature of wanting to escape and dream life away because the Moon sees “there is work to be done”, and is still holding the seeds of “Serving others and society” that were planted through the Solar eclipse/New Moon.

Since Virgo’s ruling planet Mercury in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo are aspecting eachother through this eclipse, this will help Mercury be a little more focused as it connects to the deeper wisdom of Power (Sun) that Pisces inspires.

Eclipses themselves are known to bring shifts and shake things up. And the specific configuration of the Moon being eclipsed in Virgo instead of the natural balance point of Leo reveals an even greater level of Transformation is being activated. Transformation through planning and self effort in do the work needed to improve our circumstances. Or the work needed to “Run the kingdom” in the case of the Government/political process.

Remember of course that the Eclipse energy sets off an intense Vibration into the collective that continues to resonate for months. Transformation often includes the “falling away” of the old to make room for the new thing, and can sometimes be uncomfortable. Also, remember that for many “change” brings about fear, insecurity and sometimes even resistance. In these times, some will cling to “the old way”. Some will also move into very primal reactions and will be motivated to “do ANYTHING to feel protected from the Threat”… Whatever that imagined threat may be. And, in most cases, what that primal fear responds most to is “Other – the unknown”. A primal reaction to feel “safe again”.

With the Sun in Pisces, we can try to rise above this “primal” fear, and instead connect our Power to a deeper sense of Self that is aware of Oneness and the deeper Spiritual Truth of our collective experience. Sun in Pisces can help us connect to deeper spiritual meaning and access the inner wisdom needed to remain centered while experiencing life from a more expanded perspective of Consciousness.

These energies will also run through your personal experiences. Perhaps a motivation to re-evaluate the way you use your own power, the steps and actions needed to serve the collective, as well as the steps needed to manage and care for your own energy and resources. With Virgo type energy, themes around health, diet and self-care also arise. And the ability to balance your inner Spiritual Power with the management of your outer world and body.

For yourself, reflect on these themes. Notice how they are operating with the political process and the conversations and news stories that are arising around the ways that “power” is being shaken up. And, also notice the motivations you have to get your own Power managed and the inner shift you are likely feeling around your own sense of Power, whatever that may be for you at this time. How can YOU create a plan to live from a new, more globally aware space of compassion that is linked to a deeper spiritual Consciousness than before? And how can you care for yourself during these times of change and transformation while stress and insecurity may be higher in yourself and/or the ones around you?

The above is a general Vedic Astrology Forecast. It discusses the shifts that are happening at the level of the Collective experience, as well as how you can use that Collective energy for your own growth and evolution.

For a detailed reading of how the Planetary cycles will impact you personally, you should schedule a private Vedic Astrology Reading.

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