Full Moon in Cancer - Feeling More - Vedic Astrology Forecast for January 23rd, 2016

Full Moon in Cancer: Feeling More | Vedic Astrology Forecast for January 23rd, 2016

The Full Moon with reach its peak in Sidereal Cancer on the afternoon of January 23rd, 2016. This is the mid point of the current lunar cycle, and brings integration towards balancing our dutiful, practical and accomplishment focused impulses with our deeper feeling nature.

The Sun transitioned into Capricorn on January 14th, where we discover Power (Sun) in terms of a more ambitious, responsible expression. Capricorn is thought to be like a corporate leader, where the bigger picture can be seen and the effort and determination to reach the goals are committed to in order to accomplish them. In order to do this, one must be steadfast and determined, operating off of a structured, practical plan. This means the ability to take emotion out of the equation, because emotions can create fluctuation in mind and determination. But, when this is taken as the only side of the equation, this can lead to a disconnection from the Heart.

Cancer is the balancing point for Capricorn. In Cancer we experience the nurturing, emotional nature of the Inner Heart. In Cancer the mind softens into an intuitive space where we can be guided by our feelings, out insights and impressions from within our deeper wisdom and awareness.

Full Moon in Cancer: Feeling More | Vedic Astrology Forecast for January 23rd, 2016
Sometimes, we are too caught up in achieving a goal that we forget we are humans after all that need our emotions checked. Make time to balance everything out

What the Full Moon in Cancer Brings Us?

The Full Moon in Cancer brings the integration of these two opposing experiences. It invites our Power (Sun), Courage and confidence to operate within the practical, committed and strategic realm of Capricorn, while the mind (Moon) stays connected to the inner Heart space of intuition and compassion. With this balance, we are able to avoid the “success by all means” mentality. And we are also able to enjoy success in our career and in the world, while also having a healthy experience of emotion to keep us thriving and feeling nurtured. It also allows us to ensure that the commitments and ambitions we take on “feel good” as well and bring us peace rather than guilt and regret.

We can also see this as the ability to balance our work with our home life.

With the Moon in its home in Cancer, a stronger emotional current is being activated for the Collective. We are all being invited deeper into feelings and the themes of love, peace and and connection to others. The emotional realm is connected with the Element of Water, and we can understand through that the ways in which our experience of emotion can nourish us like water quenches thirst. When the heart is shut down to feelings, we suffer. When we fail to connect to others in meaningful ways, we can become depressed.

The balancing point of Full Moon in Cancer reminds us that we can be healthy humans with emotional needs, while also creating success in the world through determined and practical steps. It is not “either/or”… but instead can be “Both and”. We must find the balance. Sometimes that means we are “serious and determined” at work, but are able to let our heart open in our personal life so that we can receive the rejuvenation of the emotional waters. In this case, it’s about flexibility and the ability to flow between the two experiences and choose the correct expression for the correct circumstance.

We can also learn balance here by literally allowing both to come together. We might see this with a serious and ambitious business executive that is wanting to succeed, but is also open hearted enough to be compassionate towards employees and is truly wanting to benefit the lives of the end customer.

Meanwhile, Mercury and Jupiter are still in their retrograde state. Rahu entered Leo on January 8th shortly after Jupiter in Leo went retrograde. Jupiter represent our principles, purpose and higher teachings, as well as wealth. As they have been rather close together, they have created some instability in the financial markets. Rahu creating some confusion, and the retrograde giving more internal reflection around it. Hopefully what we are seeing is a “correction”, but the stock market fell a good bit since the beginning of the year.

This connection to Jupiter and Rahu will also create confusion and instability in sense of purpose and meaning. And there has continued to be an amplification of the Presidential candidates in their approach to delivering their messages, and the debates and insults that have arisen within the process.

Mercury’s retrograde motion returned it to Sagittarius on January 14th. Here it was joined by Venus on January 18th. This position brings a reflection, or more internal dialog, around speech and communication (Mercury) in connection to happiness (Venus) operating within the realm of Principles and higher purpose (Sagittarius). It has been a time when people should really be listening more than talking, as the retrograde movement of Mercury can create miscommunication and issues with details being overlooked or connected incorrectly. Although Venus’s influence can bring a little more diplomacy and charm to the process, mindfulness around this is advised.

With the retrograde motions of Mercury and Jupiter inviting us to turn within and reflect, along with Moon in Cancer, this is a great time to take a little retreat, even if that is just making some quiet time for yourself. Time to reflect on the details of life, on your principles, and also to connect more deeply with your inner heart and intuition. And ask how can you balance your own practical, serious side with being able to move into emotional experiences with an open heart? Creating emotional boundaries, but also learning to be vulnerable in healthy ways so that the heart can open when it is safe and appropriate to do so.

How are these themes showing up in our politics as well as your life and in the lives of those around you?

The above is a general Vedic Astrology Forecast. It discusses the shifts that are happening at the level of the Collective experience, as well as how you can use that Collective energy for your own growth and evolution.

For a detailed reading of how the Planetary cycles will impact you personally, you should schedule a private Vedic Astrology Reading.

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