Is One Powerful Healing technique enough to be an Effective Energy Healer

Is “One Powerful Healing technique” enough to be an Effective Energy Healer?

We Learn and Grow Through Our Experiences

If you are going to do something, such as seek a method for personal healing, transformation and spiritual awakening, then you would want the best, most effective method, right?  And, the most effective method would be even more important if you were to step into the role of an Energy Healer or Healing practitioner of any kind, don’t you think?

After all, don’t you want the best and most effective ways to solve your own challenges and live a more Authentic and Joyful life?  And if you want to learn to be an energy healer, you want the best for your clients also!

During the past 24 years, I have explored every healing method I could come across.  If I haven’t already learned it, then I have probably learned something like it by a different name! Having been through all those many years of study, professional training, personal healing and transformation, trust me when I say that it can be confusing out there! And during my over 17 years of working professionally with clients as a healer and spiritual teacher, I have also been there to witness what works and what doesn’t when working with others.

Looking back from where I am now, there are such a wide range of techniques, that I can easily see that it would be hard to make sense of them all.  I know a big part of my journey was discovering them, working with them and directly experiencing the transformation, healing and awakening that they created within me.  But being on the other side of that phase of my journey, I also can see some things about the “experiences” that I wasn’t able to see while I was in them.

An Obstacle on the Path of Healing? 

The journey itself was fueled by a desire to learn to be a better Energy Healer, but also to overcome my own challenges and better understand my Self through what I was learning and practicing.  I ran across a bit of a “trap” that I didn’t see at the time, but now clearly appreciate

The “trap” was this:  Each time I was introduced to a new healing methods, I would most often have a pretty powerful experience of it.  It would impact me in a very obvious and noticeable way that would give rise to the feeling that “I have finally found what I was seeking!!” I would then become a “big fan” of that method, and use it over and over on myself, getting benefit after benefit.  

And then something strange would begin to happen: After a period of time (sometimes long, sometimes short) it would stop feeling powerful.  It would start to feel as if almost nothing was happening from it and that I was just spinning my wheels.  At that point, I would seek out a new healing method to learn and explore, and the process would begin again.

Each time I discovered a new healing method that seemed effective, I would think “This is it!  This is what I have been looking for the whole time!”.  And then eventually, “the honeymoon” would end, and I would wonder what happened.  And I would move on to something else. (Rinse and Repeat)

What I couldn’t see at the time was this:  Each healing method I learned was very powerful for a specific type and level of healing.  In other words, it was an appropriate and effective tool for a specific area of healing, but it was not, as I falsely imagined, a “magic bullet” for all that ailed me.

The Healing Obstacle Leads to Insight and Wisdom

What I understand now was that each time I found a new “powerful” healing method, I was actually entering a new phase of my healing and development.  It wasn’t that the previous method had “stopped being effective”.  It was that I no longer needed it as a primary healing method.  It had done its job, and the next stage of my growth needed to be nurtured with a different method.

I came to understand after looking back that the process of healing is a journey.  It isn’t a “single event”.  I have had many powerful experiences of healing, for sure, that created new levels of wholeness and wisdom for me.  Those moments were life changing.  But from another perspective, they can also be seen as “another step” towards wholeness.

An important principles in “energy healing” and “Tantra” and “Yoga” and “alternative healing” is the understanding that we are “multidimensional” beings.  Our experience of life and Self is being created through the interaction between the energetic layers of Body, Emotions, Mind and Spirit.  And an effective Healing process must be able to honor, understand and evaluate each layer to see how it is contributing to either health or disease.  And of course, it should also provide a targeted healing method to address the source of the imbalance directly within the layer where it exists.

What was happening along my journey was that different steps, I was finding a powerful tool that addressed one Level of these experiential layers of Self.  For instance, I would find a powerful tool that was super powerful for creating Emotional healing.  Then another for Physical healing.  Then another for Mental Healing.  Then another for Spiritual Awakening. Then another for Life Force Energy activation, etc. My journey was giving me direct experience as both a “human” and a “seeker” to discover the importance of each of those layers, and also to show me the most affective methods for addressing healing at each of the layers.

And when the needed work was completed for a specific phase of my healing, then the focus on that particular healing method was done.

The Fruits of Deeper Awareness and Insight

I have come to understand the process of Healing and Spiritual awakening to be like that of building a house.  There must be a strong foundation.  Then a structure.  Then plumbing and electrical.  Then the walls are put in place.  Then the Roof.  The floor.  Then the finishing touches, etc.

And at each of those phases of “building the house” a different set of tools is needed.  You would not, for instance, make the mistake of trying to cut boards with a screw driver or installing sheet rock on the walls with a sledge hammer. Each tool serves a specific function and addresses a specific phase of the project.

It is like this with healing and spiritual awakening also.  Different healing methods and approaches serve specific levels of healing.  Different philosophies and practices are also needed at different steps along the journey.  And also, like in a house, once the primary structure is built, the various tools are sometimes needed for maintenance, such as needing to make an electrical repair or replace the roof.  But even then, they are only pulled out once in a while.  And some tools you may never need again.

Once I saw and understood this clearly, then the beauty of my own personal journey become obvious: I was moving through different stages towards Wholeness and Self-Realization, while also being given a variety of experiences and healing tools to allow me to assist others at various different stages of healing and awakening.

Is "One Powerful Healing technique" enough to be an Effective Energy Healer?
Different healing methods and approaches serve specific levels of healing.  Different philosophies and practices are also needed at different steps along the journey.

7 Things a Healer or Spiritual Teacher Must Have to Be Truly Effective

I also learned that someone needs more than just “techniques” if they truly want to learn to the best and most effective energy healer possible.  

To be a truly effective healer or spiritual teacher, one needs, at minimum, the following:

  1. Direct experience of the healing methods they are using with their clients
  2. Effective methods to dialog with and coach the clients they are serving
  3. Effective methods for assessing the different layers in need of healing for any given session with a client
  4. The ability to know and implement the best method for addressing the healing at the assessed level
  5. A deep, experiential understanding of the True Source of healing, and where the process of healing is actually leading
  6. Intuitive tools to access the more profound wisdom of the energy moving within Self, Client, and the healing process. 
  7. The confidence and trust to allow the healing to unfold in a way that is natural and for the highest good of the client being served

The Culmination of the Journey Leads to the Ecstatic Union® Healing System

After 24 years of study, professional training, and walking my own path of personal transformation and spiritual awakening, I have developed the Ecstatic Union® Healing System.  It takes the best healing methods available and brings them together into a cohesive, integral system that addresses each level of body, emotions, mind, and spirit while also keeping a clear single goal of awakening Wholeness and Direct Experience of the Deeper Nature of the Self.

 In future posts, I will discuss in depth the components of the Ecstatic Union® Healing System, as well as the benefits for someone seeking personal healing, transformation, and spiritual awakening.

I will also more fully address the benefits it has for someone who is called to be a professional healer or spiritual teacher of any kind.  That with include a detailed look at the 7 Things a Healer or Spiritual Teacher Must Have to Be Truly Effective that are mentioned above.

Need to take your personal healing journey deeper?  Need Mentoring as a Healing Professional? 

Appointments are available by phone, Zoom, and in person. 

Click here to schedule today!

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  • Thank you for your continued investment in your work, your students and in making a difference in the world at large. Peace✌?

  • What an incredible article…a treasure chest of wisdom expressed in a relatable personal health and transformation journey. As a blessed pioneer student of Jeff’s Spiritual Roadmap online series, I have experienced immense personal healing and deepening of consciousness. I am able to effortlessly and holistically share what is specifically needed with my Energy Coaching, Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology clients. It is like the DEEP wisdom from Jeff’s well organized and experiential teachings, have been absorbed into my inner Akashic library to serve others. So I agree with what was so eloquently explained in this article … that the Healer must experience the healing!

  • Thank you. I’m just beginning my journey and understanding everything is overwhelming. This has made the most sense to me and I need to find right healing method for this stage in healing.

    • Hey Denise! Thanks for your feedback, and very grateful to know that this made sense and was helpful to you.

      The spiritual journey can feel overwhelming. And having the right tools at the right time is super helpful and important.

      If you’d like to find a time to chat, I’d be happy to see if I can guide you in the right direction. 🙂 Just reach out via email or the contact form.

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