New Moon in Scorpio - Returning to Inspiration after Fear - Vedic Astrology Forecast for December 11th, 2015

New Moon in Scorpio: Returning to Inspiration after Fear | Vedic Astrology Forecast for December 11th, 2015

Today begins the energetic window leading up to the New Moon in Scorpio on the morning of December 11th. The Moon has already entered Scorpio and, as I discussed in the Taurus Full Moon report, the Moon in Sidereal Scorpio is a challenging position.

We have had a 2 week period of learning to stabilize our fears through the Full Moon influence, and now the New Moon in Scorpio begins a new cycle of transformation. On November 29th, several days after the Full Moon, Venus transited into Libra. Here, our capacity for happiness and our ability to compromise with others returns to more stable and supportive ground. This transit also shows our Capacity for Happiness is finally stepping away from the agitation and conflict prone influence of Mars that has created many challenges for relationships and healthy compromise for the last several months.

On the morning of December 6th, Mercury transited into Sagittarius. Leaving the influence of Scorpio’s connections to dark emotions, fears, insecurities and unexpected changes, our capacity for communication (Mercury) steps out of the connection to “hidden power” and into a sign of hope, optimism and higher principles. These two recent transits (Mercury and Venus) bring a more supportive and positive influence to allow us collectively to discuss recent terrorist events, as well as personal insecurities and emotional upheavals we may have had, in a more inspired way. Mercury in Sagittarius provides a more hopeful conversation based upon higher principles, and Venus allows us to be more considerate, diplomatic and respectful of others as we try to find understanding and solutions that honor the collective.

Interestingly, the day after Mercury shifted, on December 7th, it was announced that Donald Trump has publicly stated his proposed “Ban on Muslims” entering our country. Mercury is a double indicator of speech for him, as it rules the second house in his natal chart. Mercury also rules his 11th house, revealing that communication and speech are connected to his highest ambitions. And Sagittarius in his natal chart is the 5th house of creative potential and his desire to share with the world what he most loves and what most brings him peace. As Mercury enters Sagittarius, he is spontaneously inspired to communication his own higher ambitions, values and principles that are dearest to his heart. The “Ban on Muslims” is therefore him revealing his highest ideals and what he feels most passionate about. (What might this reveal about his character?) It happens to come while Sun and Saturn are still connecting energy to our collective fear, and while the emotional energy of the moon is waning and preparing to enter Scorpio, where it will again experience a feeling of vulnerability.

What the New Moon in Scorpio Reminds Us?

New Moon in Scorpio: Returning to Inspiration after Fear | Vedic Astrology Forecast for December 11th, 2015
At some point, we have to face our fears no matter how difficult it will be and transform those instead to confidence, inner strenght, and personal power.

As the New Moon activates in Scorpio, we are beginning a new Lunar cycle that starts with a reminder of entering into our fears with the invitation to transform them. Hopefully, we can carry the lessons of stabilizing the mind that we learning through the recent Full Moon. Because the Sun will transition into Sagittarius on December 16th, this New Moon cycle will carry with it the energy of evolving past our fears.

In Scorpio, we come face to face with our fears and insecurities. We get experiences of the ups and downs of life. We face the challenges of relationship. And through this process, while we are learning to transform our fears into higher levels of personal power, inner strength and confidence, we are also invited to discover through our own experiences some “harsh” realities: Life offers no guarantees of happiness. We cannot expect “other” to make us happy. Even the best of relationships will one day end and thus do to not offer “permanent” happiness to us. We must make personal efforts to evolve, transform, stabilize our minds and seek higher and higher understanding of where our happiness truly comes from, or we will remain in the unstable emotional waters of our inner fears.

It is with these lessons, both of inner strength and the realization of these “harsh realities”, that we are invited to step into Sagittarius. Here, we begin the search for happiness beyond the realm of personal relationships. This is where religion, spirituality, higher teachings, higher purpose and a connection to something beyond our individual self and personal relationships is inspired into experience. Here we connect with hope and inspiration that there IS something of meaning and purpose to all of the challenges we face in life. That there is a way to cultivate a deeper peace that we have not yet truly stabilized in the world in a permanent way. This hope and optimizing inspires a quest for deeper truth in all realms. There IS a way out of our fears, our insecurities, our suffering. And, in Sagittarius we connect to that hope and inspiration and search.

We must understand that in this context “religion and higher teachings” can really be boiled down to the principles, values and meanings that we hold most dear. Not everyone thinks of themselves as “religious or spiritual” and even for those who do, not all of our “personal philosophies” are necessarily directly linked to the teachings of our faith. But it is universally true that everyone has a personal philosophy on life and its deeper meaning (or lack there of).

Trump has given a public face to one of his “personal philosophies” and spoken it allowed. What concerns me more is not “that he thinks that way”, but that his personal beliefs may (unintentionally) fuel fear and hatred among those who are in a less stabilized state of mind right now. There has already been a rise in reports of anti-Muslim sentiment within the USA, and other parts of the world. This all arising with heavy influences of Saturn, Sun and (recently) Mercury in Scorpio. Fears, insecurities and “hidden power” leading to irrational conclusions and irrational acts. And Trumps statements, to some, may be seen as “defending against the enemy”.

“Muslims” are not the enemy, and we cannot allow fear to distort the facts. When we take our “fear”, hatred and unevolved understandings and infuse it into our “personal philosophy” – well that’s what terrorist do. And that is where the problem lies. We can’t solve the problem by making the same mistake in logic that is causing these issues to begin with.

This is why, in Scorpio, we must learn to stabilize the mind and evolve beyond irrational fears and insecurities. We MUST transform our fears into a peaceful mind with strengthen emotional clarity. ONLY THEN, can we step into Sagittarius and create a “personal philosophy” which is based upon clarity, peace and a connection to a deeper Truth.

Of course, the “terrorists” will also be inspired by this same shift into Sagittarius, as it will fuel their own hopes and personal philosophies as well. But hopefully, the majority of us that truly want peace, can use this same inspired energy to reconnect to hope and deepen our own faith in something beyond the recent frightening events. Hopefully we can reconnect with a hope and optimism that reminds us that “most people are inherently good”, that “love heals” and to “treat others as we would like to be treated”.  A few “bad apples” doesn’t require that we destroy all apple trees.

The Scorpio energy, in many ways, is the entry point into the Path of Tantra Yoga.  In Tantra we learn to discover the Hidden Power within us that can be used to Transform our inner fears, insecurities and limitations.  And from that evolution of Inner Power we develop Self-Mastery of Life Force Energy and the Forces of Creation. Through these experiences, it evolves into a conscious Tantric Path which seeks higher meaning and understanding of Self and of life.

Over the next several days, I encourage you to explore your own irrational fears in a balanced and peaceful way. To intentionally become part of evolving the Collective vibration towards stability and peace (as discussed in the Taurus Full Moon report). And then, as the Sun shifts into Sagittarius in the early morning hours of December 16th, begin more and more to connect to an inspired philosophy that encourages growth, peace, love and truth. We cannot always know “what is hidden”, but we can learn to stabilize our minds and hearts amidst the insecurity of the unknown and choose a higher path of truth, love and hope.

What, for you, are the philosophies, the teachings, or the ideas that give meaning and inspiration, and how can you cultivate them more right now?

The above is a general Vedic Astrology Forecast. It discusses the shifts that are happening at the level of the Collective experience, as well as how you can use that Collective energy for your own growth and evolution.

For a detailed reading of how the Planetary cycles will impact you personally, you should schedule a private Vedic Astrology Reading.

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