New Moon in Pisces - Preparing for Rebirth - Vedic Astrology Forecast for April 7th, 2016

New Moon in Pisces: Preparing for Rebirth | Vedic Astrology Forecast for April 7th, 2016

The New Moon in Pisces occurs on April 7th, 2016 around 7:25am EST. The recent Eclipse cycle has invited the opportunity for a profound shift in our relationship to Power and serving others. And the Sun (Power) quickly moved into Pisces after the recent Lunar eclipse which invited a change of structure and increased action to bring about transformation at this level.

New Moon in Pisces: Preparing for Rebirth | Vedic Astrology Forecast for April 7th, 2016
New Moon in Pisces brings forth the action to let go of what was not accomplished in the past and to eventually move on for better outcomes.

What does the New Moon in Pisces Brings Us?

This New Moon brings the chance to let go of what has fallen away from the recent Eclipse shake-up effects, and consciously plant some new seeds in preparation for a new Cycle of Growth. As the Sign of Pisces itself represents letting go, loss, and surrender, a natural end to a previous cycle is being supported now. The energies of the old, previous struggles, outdated expectations, and unfulfilling goals are invited to dissolve into the Deep Ocean of Peace here. Pisces brings the final peace, the dissolution of the worldly struggles and the awakening of Liberation and Enlightenment.

While it points to “Liberation and Enlightenment” in the Spiritual sense, as the final culmination of the Spiritual Path, it also mirrors that same energy in the worldly experiences. The same principles of death and rebirth occur at every level of Creation. All things come to an end. And just as the Spiritual Path may say that “Enlightenment” is the final culmination and the end of suffering in the world, we can also point to specific aspects of our suffering and allow them to come to an end as well.

In the same way that a long argument can finally be resolved and forgiven, bringing peace to the previous struggle and conflict, so Pisces can help balance previous struggles and illusions in specific areas of our lives. Peace comes when we stop struggling, accept what is and open to deeper wisdom and allow what no longer works or serves us to fall away gracefully.

Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, which brings expansion of wisdom, meaning and purpose. In Pisces, Jupiter operates through the field of expansive water which represents emotion. So, wisdom, mean and expanded consciousness expressing itself through deep emotion with the intention of serving the highest good. Here, a cycle of struggle comes to an end.

And like the death of an estranged relative, sometimes loss of even something that caused us conflict and suffering can feel painful. The human experience of loss is uncomfortable. So while the old and that which no longer serves is falling away, it is possible that there may still be some grieving of the old. After all, a part of loss is also not knowing what is coming next.

At the New Moon, the mind and emotions are at their lowest energy point. This allows a more inward access to the unconscious mind. This low light of the Moon also represent the “winter” before the “spring” within the Lunar Cycle. Things are have been falling away since the Lunar eclipse just through the waning Moon. And now, the New Moon represents a new starting point – a new potential for rebirth. And it happens to be occurring within Pisces, which is the natural Sign of the final letting go.

On March 31st, Venus also transitioned into Pisces. Venus represents our happiness and capacity for pleasure, and is said to be best situated in Pisces. It functions at a higher vibration in Pisces because here the drive to seek happiness is connected to the inward impulse to connect to a deeper spiritual truth and wisdom. Here, happiness is experienced as merging with the Oneness of Consciousness and finding happiness for no reason in the expanse of deep spiritual feelings of peace.

This potential will be vibrating into the side point of the new Moon, while Mercury shifted from Pisces into Aries on April 2nd. Mercury was at it weakest placement in Pisces, but now moves into Aries where it curiosity and intelligence begins to anticipate and articulate the upcoming cycle of rebirth. Here, speech and communication begin to align with the new potential and enthusiasm that exists at the beginning of a new Journey or project.

On March 25th, 2 days after the Lunar eclipse, Saturn turned retrograde. This brings a more inward focus to reflect on our fears and limitations, which will be especially helpful considering the transformation that was initiated during the Eclipse itself. Additionally, it will invite the inner reflection on our capacity for hard work and commitment, as well as our relationship to solitude. Saturn and Mars are both still in Scorpio, where their natural expressions are fueling deeper transformation, the facing of fears and the need to strengthen and transform our fears into emotional strength.

Jupiter is still retrograde in Leo with Rahu, where is continues to create reflection on our highest teachings, purpose and meaning. And Rahu creates a higher level of focus, obsession and adds a cloud of confusion that makes us pay even more attention to it is order to really figure it out. Jupter and Rahu in Leo encourage us to find deeper meaning and purpose and infuse that energy into our personal creative expression.

All of the energy available at this New Moon cycle supports an opportunity for a deep transformation and a deep letting go. A new cycle is about to begin. And the choice is there to consciously embrace the change by letting go of the old and nurturing the new seeds of change. Or, of course, you could also just resist it and cling to the old ways. But, in the end, the wisdom of Yoga teaches us that clinging is the actual cause of suffering. So, letting go and surrendering IS the path to peace. And Pisces is operating through our Power (Sun) and Mind (Moon) while being connected to our capacity for Happiness (Venus) as we are invited to plant new seeds.

The caution here is that if you aren’t remaining present the energy in Pisces can create a temptation to escape.  Faced with loss and the letting go, if it becomes uncomfortable, one might just numb out and attempt to avoid the discomfort.  Take care of yourself. Be gentle.  And also remain aware of any temptation to turn away from the natural process of letting go that is happening.  Instead, try to embrace the process.  Give yourself rest and solitude if needed, but allow yourself to experience the letting go in a conscious way, while allowing the new Vision of the next steps to begin to form.

For you, what conscious intention and seeds are you wanting to plant for the next wave of rebirth? Reflect over what is ready to fall away, and offer it back to the Earth and back to Spirit. And also reflect on the new vision you have for moving forward. What are the seeds of transformation that you are ready to plant? In what way can this next cycle allow you to “Be the change that you want to see in the world”?

In every aspect of nature, there are cycles of expansion and contraction, death and rebirth. When we align with and flow with these cycles we grow, evolve and feel in harmony with the world around us and with our own Nature. When we resist it, or remain unconscious, we are more likely to experience conflict, challenge and suffering as a result. It’s exhausting to swim up stream, but letting go and allowing the river to carry you along its Natural course requires no effort on your part except to pay enough attention to avoid little obstacles along the way.

This New Moon is about letting go of the old, and allowing the new vision to arise into your awareness. Is it time to stop struggling and embrace the natural order and wisdom that is revealing itself to you?

The above is a general Vedic Astrology Forecast. It discusses the shifts that are happening at the level of the Collective experience, as well as how you can use that Collective energy for your own growth and evolution.

For a detailed reading of how the Planetary cycles will impact you personally, you should schedule a private Vedic Astrology Reading.

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  • I like this one. it’s most appropriate as I sit here waiting for the sun to warm the soil to “plant some new seeds in preparation of a New Cycle of Growth” in my vegetable garden because I feel “we grow, evolve and feel in harmony with the world around us and with our own Nature” when we touch the earth to make it fertile, productive and beautiful.

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