New Moon in Libra - Personal Growth and Transformation Through Relationships - Vedic Astrology Forecast for November 11th, 2015

New Moon in Libra: Personal Growth and Transformation Through Relationships | Vedic Astrology Forecast for November 11th, 2015

In the last half of the lunar cycle as the Moon moves from Full back to New Moon, the emotional energy decreases. There is a natural feeling of “lose” that comes about in that second half. As the Moon has been getting closer to the New Moon, I know I have noticed a decrease in energy. Have you been feeling it?  Wanting to rest, withdraw a little?  Or maybe even just a little tired or fatigued and don’t know why?

The Sun is still at its weakest point in Libra, where the awkwardness of the Individual self trying to explore connection to other through relationship can itself feel taxing. And now the emotional energy, shown by the Moon, is decreasing. On November 11th, the exact New Moon will occur in Sidereal Libra around 12:45pm EST. And about 10 hours later, the Moon will make its way into Scorpio, where is experiences its weakest energy. So, within the New Moon Window, both the Sun and Moon will be at their weakest points in the Zodiac.

New Moon in Libra: Personal Growth and Transformation Through Relationships | Vedic Astrology Forecast for November 11th, 2015
Forming a relationship with others inevitably shows our vulnerability but maintaining individual strength and emotional stability will help us overcome these insecurities.

What does New Moon in Libra Bring?

Maintaining strength of the Individual Self (via the Sun) and remaining emotionally stable (via the Moon) will both be challenged at the same time. So the seed point of this New Moon really sets off the inner dynamics of how our relationships with others set the stage for our own individual growth and transformation. And well, quite frankly, that usually doesn’t feel so good.

The Sun doesn’t function well in Libra, because the Sun represents our Individual Soul’s Power and Libra is the domain of “other”. The Sun is challenged to retain a powerful individual nature when immersed in the energy of “Other”. And the Moon doesn’t function well in Scorpio, because the Moon is our Mind and Emotional nature and Scorpio represents the emotional ups and downs that occur as life brings us challenges and changes. In Scorpio, we are asked to face our insecurities and fears.

When we have the strength and tools to face our fears and insecurities, then we have the opportunity to heal and transform. When we are unable to use that opportunity in a positive way, then our emotions just feel like a roller coaster ride of discomfort and turmoil.

And, as is always the case, the progression of the Zodiac shows beautifully how we evolve through relationship. In Libra, we meet others and begin to form a deeper connection of mutual respect, love and intimacy. As we connect more deeply in this way, our vulnerability begins to open and our latent fears and insecurities begin to come to the surface. “If this other person knew that I had… this belief? This experience? This Desire? This from my past?…. would they still love me?” And even “Can I trust this person? Will they harm me? Will they break my heart?”  And of course “S/he isn’t treating me fairly.  My needs aren’t being met.  S/he is doing _____ to me, and I don’t like it!”

Relationship with other is one of the greatest unknowns, because what we are “not” is the least understood. “Other” is the furthest away from “Self”, and thus the greatest of unknowns. The Unknowns of relationship bring out our fears and insecurities. Most arguments, disagreements, resentments and feelings of disrespect arise because we are unwilling to be honest and real about the insecurities and fears that we need to face in order to evolve.

With low emotional energy from the New Moon itself and this energy being activated as part of the New Moon Window, this next lunar cycle will be highlighting this vulnerability of fears and insecurities that arise in relationship to other. The invitation is to understand the energetic place we are in collectively (low energy and feeling vulnerable), and allow yourself space to take care of yourself. Stay out of “harms way” the best you can, and also have the correct insight to realize that any emotional challenges, fears, or insecurities that arise during this Lunar Cycle are an invitation to transform you lower emotional reactions.

Mercury has moved into Libra also, and Venus and Mars moved into Virgo. Mercury with the Sun in Libra will bring extra intelligence to speech and communication with others, should these insecurities arise. And Mercury is in exchange with Venus, which will strengthen their understanding of each other, bringing greater speech and communication in connection with compromise, happiness and diplomacy (via Venus).

At the same time, Venus is in its weakest position in Virgo. So be mindful of not becoming overly picky and detail oriented about how you define your happiness. For instance, if someone offers you a pot of gold, don’t complain that the rainbow isn’t big enough. 😉

Additionally, Mars with Rahu in Virgo can amplify feelings of agitation, irritability and anger.  So, be cautious about being to reactive and hotheaded when defending yourself.

In the wisdom of these types of cycles, the Vedic traditions acknowledge that when energy is low and not conducive for being productive in outer context, that it is actually wise to “Turn within”. Don’t be afraid to give yourself some retreat to reflect upon the energies, the thoughts and the experiences that are arising in your life and in your thoughts and feelings. If turmoil arises in your relationships, understand that most people will be increasingly sensitive right now and try to withdraw and reflect, rather than allowing conflict to escalate. Withdraw and get some perspective, and re-engage when you are clearer, rested and refreshed.

The collective energy may have some heaviness to it for a while here. Try to stay calm and focused. Stay aware of the feelings and impulses that are arising. Observe how it is affecting others around you. And try to feed your need for deeper peace, joy and happiness through inner practices such as meditation and affirmations so that you continue to cultivate the qualities within yourself that are needed to peacefully navigate these potential turbulent waters. And know when “retreat” is the best medicine in the moment, and honor the impulse to do so if it arises.

This is also a wonderful time to use tools such as getting a Vedic Astrology Reading to gain deeper insight to the sources of your fears, insecurities and the way you engage relationship and happiness.  It’s also a great time to have Ecstatic Union® Energy Healing Sessions to help dive deep into the energetic causes of your insecurities and receive assistance in healing and transforming them.

If you maintain the correct understanding and the right perspective through this time, it is an wonderful opportunity to grow and evolve.

How has this energy been affecting you?

The above is a general Vedic Astrology Forecast. It discusses the shifts that are happening at the level of the Collective experience, as well as how you can use that Collective energy for your own growth and evolution.

For a detailed reading of how the Planetary cycles will impact you personally, you should schedule a private Vedic Astrology Reading.

Click here for more information on Vedic Astrology Services.

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