New Moon in Virgo - Managing your Health and Life - Vedic Astrology Forecast for September 30th, 2016

New Moon in Virgo: Managing your Health and Life | Vedic Astrology Forecast for September 30th, 2016

The New Moon in Sidereal Virgo will occur on September 20thm 2016 around 8:30pm EDT. This begins a new Lunar cycle which will have us focusing on managing the details of our lives.

What does the New Moon in Virgo Bring

New Moon in Virgo: Managing your Health and Life | Vedic Astrology Forecast for September 30th, 2016
New Moon in Virgo allows us to embark on a time in our lives to prioritize our health with respect to the sacredness of our body’s physicality.

In Virgo, we experience Mercury operating through the practical nature of Earth. Mercury uses its intelligence to understand and organize the details of the world around us. This also includes our bodies and our health.

The New Moon brings together our Power (Sun) and our emotional heart and mind (moon) in connection with these Virgo themes. Jupiter as our wisdom, inspired purpose and higher teachings is very close to the Sun and Moon, sharing it’s expansive and optimistic nature.

Now is a good time to take inventory of your health and your daily routines to determine what best serves your happiness, health and success. With Jupiter’s presence, there is added support to better care for the body and your physical environment with a higher intention of honoring the Sacredness of the body and the physical experience if you so choose.

Either way, honestly assess your diet, your exercise routine, your sleep and the daily activities your pursue to determine what is supporting your body, health and happiness and what may be throwing it out of balance or adding stress to the body.

Virgo energy has a nervousness to it that can bring stress and anxiety to the nervous system and mind. It is helpful to connect to the dutiful nature of Virgo in order to take the actions needed to best care for yourself and your body, but try not to get so caught in the details or in the worry over your health that it just adds more stress. How can support yourself in relaxing and being more peaceful while also making better choices?

As we are beginning to move into Fall, the Virgo New Moon is even more supportive of making a conscious transition. Fall moving into Winter brings more Cold and Dry qualities, which can dry the skin, dry out the sinuses and aggravate the nervous system. This dry and cold quality in Ayurveda is referred to as Vata. Now would be a great time to get an Ayurvedic Consultation to support both this heightened awareness of managing your health and also the transition into Vata season.

These themes around health and managing your life will be in effect for the next 30 days. And they are also reflected in the collective as the need to manage the health of our nations and our people. This includes literal healthcare, but also the health of our government structures and political systems.

Venus has recently moved into Libra where it heightens our awareness of Relationships, compromise and our desire to seek happiness through our social and romantic connections to others. So, you may have greater awareness or greater desire around relationship and social happiness.

Mars also moved into Sagittarius, which brings enthusiasm, optimism and a sense of higher purpose into our actions and the principles that we choose to defend. This is another indicator that finding a deeper meaning or purpose for managing your health and daily routines may strengthen your motivation and willingness to take action.

So, take some time to reflect on your health, your diet, and sleep. Also, observe how your daily routines may or may not be impacting your health and happiness. Consider getting an Ayurvedic Consultation to help support and coach you around health and daily routines.

And also be curious to see how these themes are showing up in your own life, in the lives of those around you, and in the world.

The above is a general Vedic Astrology Forecast. It discusses the shifts that are happening at the level of the Collective experience, as well as how you can use that Collective energy for your own growth and evolution.

For a detailed reading of how the Planetary cycles will impact you personally, you should schedule a private Vedic Astrology Reading.

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Click here for more information on Ayurvedic Consultations.

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