Full Moon in Capricorn - Finding Peace within the Storm - Vedic Astrology Forecast for July 19th, 2016

Full Moon in Capricorn: Finding Peace within the Storm | Vedic Astrology Forecast for July 19th, 2016

Looking to Past Influences and Understanding the Present Circumstances

In my Gemini New Moon report, I shared that it began a new Lunar cycle around exploring new perspectives and trying to better understand the perspectives and experiences of others. These Lunar cycles last for almost 30 days and the beginning energy or “seed point” of the New Moon tends to reverberate through the whole cycle. I specifically mentioned that the cycle would begin in Ardra Nakshatra which “is a challenging energy that is like a storm of chaos that destabilizes our old understanding of things. Is brings the opportunity for healing and a return to peace and order, but only after the catharsis and crisis of bringing the deeper imbalance into awareness.” Ardra is known for bringing chaos and destruction and is often linked to natural disasters, floods, earthquakes, etc.

Within days of the New Moon, we began to see chaos and catharsis in the form of the death of Philando Castile by shooting in a traffic stop. We have since seen Police shootings in Dallas, the death of Alton Sterling by police, an attempted Coup in Turkey, the many deaths in Nice, France from a terrorist attack using a truck, and the police shot and killed in Baton Rouge.

We are also continuing to be witness to a presidential political process that is bringing great concern and division to our country.

In early November 2014, Saturn moved into Scorpio bringing great pressure into our collective fears and insecurities. Scorpio also relates to “hidden” things, and hidden uses of power. Saturn has been churning these things as an opportunity to bring them into awareness so they can be healed. Many changes in Planetary positions have been bringing more Religious ideology, confused belief systems and added violence into the collective experience as part of the activation of fears and insecurities.

For the Lunar eclipse on March 23rd, I also share that it was initiating a powerful cycle of transforming and shifting our understanding and relationship to Power. These eclipse cycles tend to reverberate and influence the unfolding collective experience for about 6 months. This shift around Power is still underway, and is being revealed in these events as well including the use of power with military, police and our government. The hidden use of power within the very organizations and structures that we have trusted to protect us and keep us safe. And the collective fears for our safety and the abuse of power showing up both through terrorist attacks, as well as without our own “protectors”.

The New Moon in Gemini energy is has brought more communication and awareness to what has been happening below the surface. Until the deeper cause is seen, we cannot heal the wounds that are the cause. It is inviting deeper conversation and communication around what it happening within our nation and around the world. We are also seeing the primal reactions of violence are’t solving the problem, even while many of us can relate to the anger and rage that might inspire such violence in the first place.

Through the recent events following the New Moon, we have seen Venus shift into Sidereal Cancer on July 7th, following by Mercury on July 10th and the Sun on July 16th. And Mars, which had recently gone direct in Libra, returned back to Scorpio on July 12th.

The Mars transition can potential bring more violence in reaction to fears and insecurities. But, it also invites us to evolve its expression and to choose courage to face our fears and heal through them rather than lashing out in violent defence.

The three planets now in Cancer are bringing our happiness (Venus), our speech and communication (Mercury) and our Power and Sense of Self (Sun) into the deeper emotional heart of feeling. Cancer is a sign where we are invited to feel more deeply, to open our hearts and develop compassion and a more evolved unconditional state of love. We are being invited to feel into the world around us that has been revealed more deeply by the Gemini New Moon, and to allow ourselves to awaken our hearts in an effort to discover a deeper perspective where we can find peace.

This strong Cancer energy may be causing us to pause and really allow ourselves to feel the impact of the recent events, and to amplify the connection to the part of us that just wants to restore peace to our hearts. It may also invite us to connect with the part of us that can have compassion for the victims and families of the recent violent attacks and abuses of power.  And, perhaps, to also find some compassion for those who felt that responding with violence was their only hope. This is not to justify their behavior, but only to attempt to understand the level of pain and fear they must have been in to feel that this was their best solution.

And beyond all of that, to also find compassion for yourself as we all seek to find the best course of action to heal our collective situation.

You may find yourself feeling more emotional or more vulnerable at this time. And as the Full Moon reaches its peak on July 19th around 6:37pm EDT, it marks the mid point in the Lunar Cycle. From the New Moon up until the Full Moon, the energy is expanding and growing stronger. The Full Moon marks the point where the intensity has reached its height, and it begins to dissolve and integrate. As the light reduces over the next 2 weeks, there is a falling away, and we may find that a deeper grieving or sense of loss awakens as we attempt to understand and integrate all of these recent events.

Full Moon in Capricorn: Finding Peace within the Storm | Vedic Astrology Forecast for July 19th, 2016
Vulnerability is inevitable thus we need to learn how to stabilize emotions to serve best our good intentions within.

What does Full Moon in Capricorn Bring? Opportunities for Growth and Awareness

The Full Moon in Capricorn also reminds us of the balance point to the wide open, vulnerable feeling space of Cancer. In Capricorn, we are reminded that creating some emotional boundaries and learning to regulate the level of our vulnerability is a part of learning to safely navigate the world. Through this, we learn to stabilize our emotions and to also learn to set aside emotions when they do not serve us. For instance, many violent acts come out of a primal reaction to deep emotion. By learning how to stabilize them, we can more clearly and rationally assess the best and most effective way to respond to what we are feeling.

As we collectively open deeper into our hearts and feel the effects of what is happening around us, try to find compassion and peace in healthy ways. Allow yourself to give and receive love with the important people in your life, to celebrate the loving connections that you have. Try to find compassion for those who have been more directly involved with the recent events as well.

It is Love and acceptance that will ultimately heal our global situation. The more you can contribute to that and model it for your Self and others, the deeper the healing effect for our planet. The more we stay in fear, the longer it will take to heal our world.

Use this time to feel, but also stabilize. To integrate and be with what has been moving through you. And also remind yourself that you are safe in this moment. The events we are witnessing are a part of the Purification and healing process that our collective world is going through. We can only heal what we become aware of, and these events are bringing the hidden forces into our awareness. They have been there for a long time. Do not imagine that “things are getting worse”. Instead realize that we must be able to face the truth before it can be transformed.

How are you experiencing these energies in your life?

The above is a general Vedic Astrology Forecast. It discusses the shifts that are happening at the level of the Collective experience, as well as how you can use that Collective energy for your own growth and evolution.

For a detailed reading of how the Planetary cycles will impact you personally, you should schedule a private Vedic Astrology Reading.

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