New Moon in Cancer - Love, Connection and Emotional Integrity - Vedic Astrology Forecast for August 2nd, 2016

New Moon in Cancer: Love, Connection and Emotional Integrity | Vedic Astrology Forecast for August 2nd, 2016

Having explored new perspectives and tried to understand others points of views through the recent Gemini New Moon Lunar Cycle, we now bring that experience into the Sidereal Sign of Cancer.

The Sun entered Cancer after midnight on July 16th. And the New Moon in Cancer will occur on August 2nd around 4:44pm EDT. This starts a new cycle where we bring what we learned from Gemini into the Inner Emotional Heart and search for what inspires love and peace.

Being Open to Love during New Moon in Cancer

Cancer is ruled by the Moon which represents out Inner heart and our capacity for Love. Through the Moon, we learn to Connect to others through the heart. Cancer is also a water sign, which represents our emotional nature. It has a pure nature, motivated to do good things. Through the energy of Cancer, we learn about the nature of emotions. We learn how to be vulnerable in order to open to love and connect to other people.

The journey of the Heart towards love for most is challenging, because being vulnerable means allowing our inner and private nature to be seen. And the fear of vulnerability can cause us to try to control the world around us to keep ourselves feeling safe. Also, in attempts to experience connection and love, in the early stages we may cling to others with the feeling of needing others or an unspoken plea of “please love me!”.

Through the journey into the heart, we learn that clinging doesn’t work. We must learn to open, trust, and surrender. We must learn to allow others to be as they are, and learn also to love our own Self as the secret to experiencing deeper love from others. Through the experience of Cancer we eventually learn that deep and authentic love requires that we learn how to safely open our hearts and allow our true self to be revealed in safe ways. The deepest part of us longs to be fully accepted and seen without judgment, criticism or expectation. We long for unconditional love. But before we can feel safe letting ourselves be seen, we must be willing to see and love our own self unconditionally as well.

Through this cycle of the Cancer New Moon, themes around love, acceptance, vulnerability and connection to others will be activated. And with its placement in Ashlesha nakshatra, it will contain the exploration of how our hidden subconscious nature conditions us to use our emotional heart in connection with others. Ashlesha adds the question “How do I use my connections and emotional nature?” Do I unconsciously or consciously use others for my own personal ends, through manipulation or cunning? Or do I connect out of genuine love, openness and higher intuitive nature?

This New Moon especially invites us to explore our own personal use and the collective use of emotional energy, trust and connection. It invites us to ask ourselves honestly what our motivations are as we engage with others. It encourages us to be brutally honest honest with ourselves so we are emotionally clear and act with integrity. And if we realize we have been manipulating other people, how can we shift that towards accepting them as they are with love and kindness, rather than attempting to control them? How can we invite connection rather than use them to meet our own needs?

Bringing Awareness to our Words and Actions

These same questions will become more prominent in the collective experience as well. As the political process unfolds and the global economic and government structures change, who is being honest about their motives? And how do we find the balance between bringing truth to light, while avoiding the emotional manipulation of others to see things our way? How can we find deeper compassion for those who have different opinions that our own? How can we learn to connect and love unconditionally, even when another’s values may differ from ours? And how can we retain peace of mind while navigating the political process?

The Moon and sign of Cancer are ultimately trying to evolve us towards discovering a Love and inner stillness that brings us peace. There are no doubts that there are issues with the political system. Emotionally charged propaganda is sometimes used to convince us of “what is right”, even when the deeper motivation for it is not stated out right. But, when the divisive ploys cause the 2 sides to debate and argue amongst themselves, it becomes a distraction from the deeper question of “how can we all work together to find the best solution?”.

“I am right and you are wrong” doesn’t lead to solutions. How can we connection, be authentic, communicate and hear eachother in a way that everyone feels honored, validated and respected even when there is still disagreement? And then discover a path to compromise and meet the underlying needs of both sides?

New Moon in Cancer: Love, Connection and Emotional Integrity | Vedic Astrology Forecast for August 2nd, 2016
Establishing a connection rooted on love alone could be challenging but being emotionally available could significantly change everything for the better.

Additional Thoughts

Mercury entered Leo on July 26th and Venus followed on July 31st. They join Rahu and Jupiter there, which brings our speech and communication (Mercury), our capacity for happiness (Venus), our higher principles (Jupiter) and our unconscious drive to experience (Rahu) all together in the sign of inspiration, leadership and creative expression. This can support a feeling of hope and inspiration, but still has some confusion (Rahu) infused in it, revealing that we are all collectively struggling to figure out a shared sense of purpose and higher principles to operate from. Venus in Leo feels happy, but can also take on a selfish drive like a Queen that demands her happiness is served by her subjects. “Please me now, my subjects!”

This placement of Venus can bring a selfish edge in relationships and the process of compromise needed for 2 people or 2 groups to find a way to create a win-win situation when conflict arises.

The good news is that, out of the confusion we eventually come to clarity. Life is a process of evolving and growth.   It becomes easier when we consciously participate and embrace change.

I also remind you that Mars and Saturn in Scorpio are continuing to invite us collectively to heal and transform our insecurities and are bringing hidden uses of power into the collective awareness so it can be addressed and rebalanced.

Reflections for Growth and Awareness

So, during this Cancer New Moon window, especially, I encourage you to feel deeply into these questions. How are you using your emotional energy? What are your experiences of giving and receiving love, and do they serve to take you to deeper peace? What emotionally vulnerable spaces have you been hiding and protecting, and how can you nurture them into safety? How can you use Love to heal your inner conflicts? How can you use love to heal the polarity, confusion and divisiveness that is happening in our country and in our world right now?

What are you noticing happening within yourself and in the world around you in relationship to this Cancer New Moon energy?

The above is a general Vedic Astrology Forecast. It discusses the shifts that are happening at the level of the Collective experience, as well as how you can use that Collective energy for your own growth and evolution.

For a detailed reading of how the Planetary cycles will impact you personally, you should schedule a private Vedic Astrology Reading.

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