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2022 Black Friday
save up to 87% with these special offers
All in Mega Bundle plus
Vedic Astrology Consultation
Ready to find your calm, peaceful center in a stressful world? Awaken your Higher Potential? Or step into a deeper phase of spiritual growth and personal transformation?
Our Special Black Friday Deals can help with all this and more!
For 2022 we are offering Three all-new Bundles at over 85% off the retail price. PLUS, a special offer for $75 off a 90 Minute Vedic Astrology Consultation!
And if you decide YOU WANT IT ALL, you can even get the MEGA BUNDLE for an additional savings!
Get all the information and options below. Be sure to scroll down for the Full Bundle Descriptions and to see the 2 Mega Bundle offers as well.
& Peace of Mind Bundle
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Self-Awareness through Vedic Astrology Bundle
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Spiritual Growth & Empowerment
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90 Minute Vedic Astrology
Find out what the New Year will bring!
What opportunities for growth, healing, and stepping into a Higher Potential are available to you now and as you move into 2023?
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90 Minute Vedic Astrology
Find out what the New Year will bring!
What opportunities for growth, healing, and stepping into a Higher Potential are available to you now and as you move into 2023?
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Full Bundle Descriptions
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Just $23 for powerful classes and guided practices designed to help awaken the inner source of healing and create peace of mind.
Returning To Your Spiritual Center ($45 Value)
Learn how to overcome stress and fear during challenging times. Discover the secrets to strengthen and stabilize your deeper spiritual connection and cultivate deeper peace while also taking the necessary actions to manage the needs of your practical reality. Experience the core practice that leads into the awakening of the True Source of Healing.
In this powerful class, you will discover:
- The Spiritual Approach to Stress, Fear & Challenges
- The Tantric and Biological Perspectives on Stress and Fear
- How to Manage Your Thoughts of Worry and Fear
- How to Manage Specific Nagging Thoughts of Worry and Fear
- A Powerful Tantric Meditation for Dissolving Fear, Anxiety and Fear
Growing Your Spiritual Practice ($45 Value)
Find Time, Energy, and Focus Within a Modern Lifestyle… Discover the secrets to sustain and grow your spiritual practice and accelerate spiritual awakening while also managing daily distractions and thriving in life.
In this class you will discover:
- Overcoming Challenges through the Tantric Perspectives on Spiritual Practice
- How to Overcome Practical Challenges for Creating a Daily Practice
- An Overview of A Simple, Sustainable Daily Meditation Practice
- A Simple Meditation Guided Experience
- An Overview of Integrating Tantric Awareness into Your Life
- A Tantric Awareness Practice Guided Experience
- A Tantric Integration Healing Meditation Intro & Guided Practice
Beginning Meditations ($15 Value)
Two Guided Meditations from the Traditions of Tantra Yoga.
- The first Meditation entitled "Peace and Presence" introduces a powerful, foundational meditation practice which focuses on using the breath to relax and energize the body, while bringing the mind and awareness into greater peace and presence.
- The second program meditation entitled "Expanding Peace" is a longer guided experience which expands on the first by including some additional yoga practice elements.
Living With Awareness ($15 Value)
By regularly using these two meditations, you are supported in learning to be more aware and present to your life in a way that brings healing and that expands awareness of your fuller experiences of Self and of Life. You learn new skills for opening healing energy, creating internal energetic balance, flowing with life and being present to messages of guidance from your own Inner Wisdom.
Guided Alternate Nostril ($10 Value)
A powerful guided yogic breathing practice that helps to balance and harmonize your mind and energy. This leads to clarity, calm, focus, and peace and supports a deeper connection to your True Self.
Grounding Meditation ($10 Value)
This meditation is the first step towards developing 3-step Tantric Awareness. It helps to connect you to your True Self and stabilize your awareness in the body and world. This invites greater joy, happiness and love to flow through you, while preparing you to confidently awaken a deeper capacity for healing and releasing limitations and self-defeating patterns of thought and emotional pain.
Container Meditation ($10 Value)
This meditation builds on the Grounding meditation and adds the final layers of the 3-step Tantric Awareness. It help you protect yourself from outside energetic influences, so you can find deeper connection to your Authentic Truth, while also teaching you the essential practice that allows you to access the True Source of healing. With these elements in place, you become able to dissolve emotional pain and heal karmic patterns, while developing the ability to confidently and peacefully navigate the ups and downs of life.
Self-Healing with Mantra OM Report ($10 Value)
This report gives the you teachings an resources to begin a powerful Self-Healing practice using the Mantra OM. You will discover how it creates deeper personal healing through a process of Karmic removal while connecting deeply to your True Spiritual Self.
Total Value = $160
Bundle Price Only $23 (over 85% off)
Just $67 for two powerful classes and dozens of guided meditations designed to deepen self-awareness and connect you to creation and your highest potential.
Vedic Astrology: Integrating Elements, Koshas, and Chakras ($95 Value)
This workshop invites a deeper exploration of the Foundations of Creation, and how they operate within our psychology, lives and energetic bodies. Originally presented for Vedic Astrology Students, it’s a deep dive into the healing power of the 5 Elements at all levels of being.
Mastering Vedic Astrology: From Student to Confident Practitioner ($95 Value)
This workshop invites those interested in learning Vedic Astrology into the clarity of what matters as they study and strengthen their skills. It offers a framework to focus on what matters, release fears and limitations, and discover a living relationship with Vedic Astrology that exists beyond “memorizing details.”
Zodiac Integration Meditations ($120 Value)
Powerful guided meditations to awaken the wisdom and higher potential of each of the 12 zodiac signs. Great remedies for activating the powers of your capacities as both human and spiritual being. Use them to help strengthen your natural expressions, or to take advantage of the natural windows of the New and Full Moon cycles.
Elemental Meditations ($50 Value)
These 5 meditations invite you into the wisdom of Nature. Experience the natural wisdom of the world around you as it reflects into your own experience of being alive, and helps you refine and evolve your higher spiritual potentials at the levels of body, emotions, action, mind and spirit.
Planetary Integration Meditations ($90 Value)
The 7 main planets of Vedic Astrology represent your essential psychological capacities of spirit expressing itself through your human form. These 7 powerful meditations invite you to deepen your relationship with these Divine expressions, so you can evolve and harmonize the inner workings of your own being.
Total Value = $450
Bundle Price Only $67 (over 85% off)
Click here to buy now!
Just $230 for over 35 Hours of transformational wisdom, guided healing practices, and invitations to discover your True Self. Experience deep healing, self-discovery, and greater clarity on your personal path of healing and spiritual awakening.
Ecstatic Union(R) Personal Empowerment Program ($995 Value)
This 10-Lesson Course takes you on a personal healing journey grounded in deep Tantric Principles.
- Redirect the Flow of Creation to Awaken More Joy, Love and Peace
- Accelerate your Personal Growth and Spiritual Awakening
- Access Deeper Spiritual States of Consciousness
You will experience a new sense of Authentic Expression and Personal Empowerment that will become the foundation of your personal and spiritual life. You will have a new vision for how to confidently step into your new future, and a toolbox of wisdom and healing practices to help you continue your path of healing, transformation and Spiritual awakening.
Tantric Foundations ($295 Value)
A 6-Lesson Course that takes you deep into the both the spiritual nature and practice applications of the Tantric Spiritual Path.
- Lesson 1 - Entering the Tantric Universe
- Lesson 2 - Tantric Meditation for Healing and Spiritual Awakening
- Lesson 3 - Tantra, Relationship and Spiritual Awakening
- Lesson 4 - Tantra, Sexuality and Spiritual Awakening
- Lesson 5 - Diving Deeper and Evolving the Practice
- Lesson 6- Using Daily Life to Evolve the Practices
The Spiritual Awakening Roadmap ($145 Value)
A 4-Lesson Course that clarifies the essence of an Authentic Spiritual Path. The Spiritual Awakening Roadmap Course was created to give you the clarity you need to:
- Confidently step forward on your spiritual path
- Create a focused practice that will accelerate Spiritual Awakening
- Experience a deep embodiment of Spiritual Truth
During the 4 Lesson Course, you will:
- Get clarity on the final goal and purpose of an Authentic Spiritual Path
- Experience the #1 Essential Core Tantric Practice that is the foundation of all practices
- Explore the 4 types of Karma and how they relate to the Tantric Path
- Discover why Tantra Yoga is the best path for most modern seekers, and how Tantra differs from other Spiritual approaches
- And much more…
Activate Your Soul's Vision ($95 Value)
A 3-Hour Workshop that invites you to release past limitations, invite a deep vision of your Highest Potential and then activate that Vision so you can bring it into reality. A great way to start 2023!
Expanding Consciousness ($15 Value)
The Expanding Consciousness Meditation leads you on a journey to activate and awaken the Masculine and Feminine (or Shiva and Shakti) Life Force Energies within your own Being, bringing them into balance and then directing them through your subtle bodies for healing and transformation.
Following the Chanting of OM, a gentle chime lets you know that the chanting is over so you can rest in silence and expand into the powerful vibrations of healing and Expanded Consciousness. A chime calls you back, where you will be led through a process of more fully activating the Energetic Vibrations of peace, joy, love and bliss. Intensifying the vibrations, you are led back through the energetic layers of spirit, mind, emotions and body. Each step of the way, discovering the bliss and joy of the True Self contained within each level of your Being. Finally, experiencing this same Bliss, Joy and Love vibrating and pulsing within the world around you, reflecting your deeper Self back to you.
Total Value = $1545
Bundle Price Only $230 (over 85% off)
Click here to buy now!
Find out what the New Year will bring!
What opportunities for growth, healing, and stepping into a Higher Potential are available to you now and as you move into 2023?
Invite deeper awareness for your:
- Relationship style and potential
- Core personality, strengths and weakness
- Current growth cycles and opportunities for healing
- Current challenges and struggles
- And Much more…
Total Value = $275
Only $200 for Black Friday Special Deal (Save $75, or over 27% off)
Click here to buy now!
© 2003 - 2022 Atlanta School of Tantra Yoga